
More years to come
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My year 1 - year 2
Month 13
Month 14
Month 15
Month 16
Month 17
Month 18
Month 19
Month 20
Month 21
Month 22
Month 23
Month 24

My first day - year 1
First Born
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Month 9
Month 10
Month 11
Month 12

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My 8th. year
Junior Talent Award 2007
September 2007

We are on the stage.

How do I look?

Mek & Patr

Mek - Pi Jump - Patr

Action in a group

one more pitrure

Waiting for the result ...

We're lose! Better luck next time

Sing "Mai Viset and Maemod" song in the contest with my friend from singing school : Me, Patr, Pi Nan, and Pi Jump

Click here to Watch VDO

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e-mail : mek@siwakorn.com